Friday, July 28, 2006

There and back again


On Tuesday, I took the boy to the airport and he flew to the U.S. to see family. We drove to the local airport, flew for an hour, and took a bus from one airport to another near Tokyo. The first half of this 80 minute ride was through bumper-to-bumper, stop-and-go traffic. Here is a picture of the city. About 7 routes coverged at this point, each running at a different height. You can see two bridges and boat traffic. Surface roads criss-crossed below us. Most of the vehicles were commercial, carrying some form of cargo or another, including our bus. Lots of concrete and metal with bits of green poking up around the rivers. Lots of rivers and bridges. We got to Narita Airport about 3.5 hours before his flight. His flight left about 2.5 hours late. I took the bus back to the other airport (less traffic this time), had time to eat a sandwich, then flew home. It's good to be back. Here is a picture of home.



At Fri Jul 28, 02:46:00 PM GMT+9, Blogger Nazila Merati said...

The boy is in the Emerald city? Sweet. Tell him to come on by and say hi to Ernest the puppy!

Next time, come with okay?



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