Monday, July 03, 2006


June was a busy month, complete with visitors, tonsilitis and separated ribs. Here's a recap.

6.04.Sports day at the boy's elementary school. I pulled some rib cartilage helping out the neighborhood tug-of-war-team.

6.11. The World Bazaar at the local community center. Flags of Ethiopia and Brazil. I had China and Japan flags painted on my forearms.

6.11. The World Cup. The local coffee shop owner is a sports nut and the shop was decked out with World Cup 2002 jerseys. Here is some guy from the Poland vs Ecuador match.

6.16.Local fungi at Ye Olde Silke Factory. We took a pottery class and our crafts should be fired next month. I made a cup.

6.18.Went to the aquarium and watched the seal perform. He threw a frisbee and shot baskets. The boy ate ice cream later.

6.21.Students went to a two-hour Taiko drum lesson. They caught on quickly. It was stifling hot. I aggrevated my rib injury while getting jiggy with it.

I came down with tonsilitis over the next weekend.


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